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CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas : Policy Brief on Horizontal coherence in EU law and policy . Deliverable 2.4

Policy coherence is important to avoid excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies, implementation problems and obsolete measures that can hinder the achievement of established objectives. To achieve the European Green Deal objectives, different policies affecting the same domain must be coherent and as such reinforce each other by promoting synergies or reducing conflicts between their objectives and instruments, and measures both design and implementation. This policy brief is the result of comprehensive coherence analysis of EU policies affecting the European Green Deal objectives in the marine domain. It aims to give both general and specific policy recommendations on how to increase policy coherence between central environmental policies and between environmental and sectoral policies.





Kyrönviita, J., Puharinen, S.-T., Soininen, N., Platjouw, F. M., Passarello, C., Boteler, B., Friedrich, L., Sander, G., & Ramirez-Monsalve, P.(2024). CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas: Policy Brief on Horizontal coherence in EU law and policy. Deliverable 2.4. Joensuu, Kuopio: The University of Eastern Finland (UEF).

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