Julika Gittner
Senior Fellow
Julika Gittner praktiziert, forscht und lehrt in den Disziplinen Kunst und Architektur. Von 2010 bis 2023 war sie Design Fellow an der University of Cambridge, wo sie das erste Jahr des BA in Architektur leitete (2010-2019) und in den MPhil- und MArch-Kursen unterrichtete (2019-2023). Ihre Kunstwerke werden international gezeigt und sie wurde kürzlich für den Mark Tanner Sculpture Award in die engere Wahl gezogen. Julika schließt eine interdisziplinäre, praxisorientierte Doktorarbeit in Bildender Kunst und Architektur ab, die vom AHRC SWW DTP2 finanziert wird und die Rolle der Skulptur zur Vermittlung von Daten in Kampagnen für den sozialen Wohnungsbau untersucht.
- 2019-2024 Practice based PhD, Fine Art and Architecture, Universities of Reading and Cardiff, AHRC funded
- 2005 AADipl in Architecture, RIBA part 2 Architectural Association School of Architecture, London
- 2001 BSc in Architecture (First Class Hons), RIBA part 1 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London
- 1997 BA Fine Arts (Hons), Goldsmiths College, University of London, London
- 2023-2024 Guest Lecturer Architectural Association, Diploma History and Theory Studies, London
- 2019 - 2023 Design Fellow, Unit Leader, University of Cambridge, MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design MAUD
- 2010 - 2019 Design Fellow, Year One Studio Maste,University of Cambridge, BA Architecture, Cambridge
- public art event Celebrate Stopping HDV, Cut-through collective, London, 2023
- solo exhibition Objecting, Classwaroom, London, 2022
- exhibition Do they owe us a living?, The Royal Standard, Liverpool, 2022
- video screening ASP6 Classwaroom, ASP London (online), 2021
- performance Faces of Regeneration, E17 Art Trail, London, 2021
- performance Artists behind bars, Matts Gallery, London, 2016
- solo exhibition Common Enemies, FlatTime House, London, 2015
- Skulptur
- Stadterneuerung
- Datenvisulaisierung
- Beteiligunsprozesse
- Visuelle Interessenvertretung
- Kunst im öffentlichen Raum
- Nachhaltigkeit
Publikationen vor der Tätigkeit am RIFS
- Objecting - Julika Gittner, Classwaroom Publication, 2022, author and editor
- The application of creative practice as a means of disrupting or re-defining the dynamics of power in, with or for different communities, JAR Journal for Artistic research, Issue 27, 2022, Author and co-author
- Faces of Regeneration, Question, A New Journal For The Humanities, Issue 6, 2021, author
- Common Room: learning about architecture as a process, CA 73, Cambridge, Association of Architecture Gazette, Spring/Summer, 2019, author
- Why our new architects need to get their hands dirty on live projects, CA 73, Cambridge Association of Architecture Gazette, Winter/Spring, 2017, author
- 2014 co-author Regeneration: Good Deeds, Smallest Evils or Pacts with the Devil? Architectural Review, MARCH, 2014, by Julika Gittner
- NEETS and SNACKS, Shoppinghour Magazine, Issue 09, 2012, author
- Objecting and other ticky subjects, Royal College of Art, Public Spheres Pathway, London, 2023, artist talk
- Objecting, Wellbeing and neoliberalism interdepartmental seminar, Henley Business School and Reading School of Art, Reading, 2022, conference paper
- Manufacturing Discontent - sculpture as counter evidence, Art of Management and Organisation AoMO 2022 Art and Activism, Liverpool, 2022, conference paper
- The street as site for practice, AA Approaches Space + Streets, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, 2022, artist talk
- Manufacturing Discontent, International Studies Association, ISA, (online), 2021, conference paper
- Objects as evidence, EISA Secrecy and Technologies ECR, (online), conference paper
- 2019 talk Art Practice, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
- 2019-2024 award AHRC SWW DTP2, full PhD studentship award
- 2021 award Mark Tanner Sculpture Award, (shortlisted)
- 2014-2015 residency The Incidental Person Residency, Flat Time House and Southwark Council Planning Department
- 2011 residency Islington Mill artist residency, Salford
- 2003-2005 award AA studentship award, AA School of Architecture