Entry points for developing a hydrogen foreign policy: How to build partnerships and balance climate protection and geopolitical risks?

International cooperation between the EU and potential partners in the context of the emerging hydrogen economy is of crucial importance. This event discusses the key questions and challenges for promoting international cooperation within an emerging hydrogen economy while pursuing climate protection policies and accounting for the current geopolitical risks. What are the factors that European policymakers should consider when engaging in the development of international partnerships? What are the changes that the EU must implement in terms of its internal infrastructure and regional cooperation? Is there a need for developing joint principles for the EU’s hydrogen foreign policy? How Europe can establish equitable partnerships with its international counterparts?
The thematic background of this discussion is provided by the policy paper entitled “Building partnerships for an international hydrogen economy: entry points for European policy action”, developed on the basis of a dialogue series on international cooperation in the emerging hydrogen economy, organised jointly by the Division for Analysis, Planning and Consulting at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS Potsdam). It outlines six policy dimensions that European policymakers should consider when engaging in the development of international partnerships: climate mitigation, green industrial development in Europe, just transitions in partner countries, geopolitics, security of supply, and economic feasibility. Based on these, the paper presents nine policy messages for the development of an international hydrogen economy within the context of broader decarbonisation efforts in the EU.
Coffee break and snacks will be served between 12.00 and 12.30. The deadline for registrations is 24 February. For any questions regarding logistical matters, please contact silke.lang(at)fes.de.
- Jens Geier, MEP S&D Group, Member of the ITRE Committee, Rapporteur of the European Strategy for Hydrogen
- Dr Rainer Quitzow, Research Group Leader, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS Potsdam), Germany
- Ruta Baltause, Policy Officer, DG ENER, Decarbonisation and Sustainability of Energy Sources Unit, European Commission
- Maria Assumpció Rojo Torrent, Director for Industrial Development Policy at Hydrogen Europe
- Raphael Hanoteaux, Senior Policy Advisor on Gas Politics at E3G
- Moderator – Reghina Dimitrisina, Policy Advisor at FES Just Climate Competence Centre. For any questions regarding the content of the event, please contact reghina.dimitrisina(at)fes.de.
Date: Tuesday, 28 February, 12.00 – 14.30 CET
Venue: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office, Rue du Taciturne 38, 1000 Brussels
Please note that this event will take place only in person. No live-streaming will be provided.
The event is hosted by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Brussels Office.