Social Sustainability Barometer of the Energy Transition

The question of the social acceptance of the energy system transformation is increasingly in the focus of politics. The issues at the centre are financing and cost distribution, acceptance of wind or solar energy systems and the phasing out of coal mining. Since 2017, the IASS has therefore been compiling an empirically sound knowledge base in order to record the attitudes, feelings and experiences of the various population groups in detail. The Social Sustainability Barometer of the energy system transformation will help to sufficiently understand the challenges, risks and opportunities of this change process in order to be able to set the appropriate Course.
Gauging public attitudes with the Social Sustainability Barometer for the Energy Transition
At the start of this project, the team developed a concept for a socially sustainable energy transition. This concept has informed the development of an empirically sound database for the annual monitoring of the energy transition with regard to the attitudes and experiences of different sections of the population. The research is guided by the following questions: How is the energy transition reflected in the behaviour and prospects of different sections of the population? What attitudes, concerns, and concepts of justice tend to dominate? How keen are people to participate in the energy transition? What are the existing obstacles and opportunities? The results of a survey on these questions are published annually in the form of a "Social Sustainability Barometer for the Energy Transition", which are presented and discussed with relevant stakeholders at a conference every year. You can find the questionnaire (in German) for the Social Sustainability Barometer of the Energy Transition 2018 here.The researchers use this barometer to pinpoint the key areas for a socially sustainable energy transition, highlight progress and setbacks, and analyse the need and potential for action at the political and societal levels. The barometer's main empirical basis is an annual panel survey of 6 500 households, which is carried out in cooperation with RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and forsa Institute for Social Research and Statistical Analysis. This analysis is supplemented by a qualitative survey carried out with the assistance of focus groups.
- The project has been continued since 06/2020 as "Kopernikus Project Ariadne"
Important documents about the project:
- the 2019 Social Sustainability Barometer
- the 2018 Social Sustainability Barometer
- the 2017 Social Sustainability Barometer
More materials:
- Interactive visualization of the data from 2017 to 2019
Combining scientific reflection with hands-on pilot schemes: the dynamis partnership
The IASS is developing the Social Sustainability Barometer in the context of the dynamis partnership for a socially sustainable energy transition, which it established together with the 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung (100 Percent Renewable Foundation) and the innogy Foundation for Energy and Society in December 2016. Each of the partners brings their particular expertise to the task of exploring various aspects of public participation in the energy transition through a combination of scientific reflection and pilot projects. In two real-world laboratories we are developing, for example, a joint regional energy system as well as local renewable energy projects in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.