Arctic Marine Conservation Dialogue 2021

Online Event via Zoom, Chatham House Rule applies
At this workshop, we will discuss the challenges the Arctic marine environment is currently facing, learn from each other about innovative conservation approaches, and exchange ideas about ways forward to effectively protect the Arctic waters and their biodiversity. The workshop is a follow- up of a successful 2020 Arctic Marine Conservation Dialogue, which featured 40 international Arctic marine experts from government, NGOs, universities, and stakeholder associations (more information and proceedings available >> here <<.)
In addition to plenary sessions, the workshop will feature two parallel thematic working groups for in-depth discussions on:
- Ecosystem-Based Management in the Arctic, and
- Sustainable marine economic development in the Arctic
The event is organized by Ecologic Institute, together with its partners the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), WWF Germany, and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation,
Participation is only possible by personal invitation.