Enabling 1.5° lifestyles? Strategies and solutions
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© RIFS/ EU 1,5°Lifestyles Project
On the basis of the results of the EU-Projekts 1.5° Lifestyles, we will address current research on questions of sustainability transformation. After a presentation by Lena Domröse (adelphi) and Halliki Kreinin (RIFS), we will hear from experts on the topic:
- Elisabeth Dütschke is a scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, where she focuses on people as actors in the changing energy system.
- Katharina Wiese is Policy Manager for Economic Transition and Gender Justice at the European Environmental Bureau, Europe's largest network of environmental civil society organisations.
- Ernest Aigner conducts research on social-ecological sufficiency at the Leuphana University Lüneburg.
- Richard Bärnthaler is a political economist at the University of Leeds and researches social-ecological economic systems.
- The insights of these four experts will be followed by an interactive discussion with the webinar participants, with the opportunity to ask the panelists questions and to work together to find solutions to promote sustainable lifestyles.
Registration here: https://eveeno.com/einskommafuenfgrad