Linking environmental policy goals with social requirements: Local strategies against energy poverty

Reducing the number of the most energy-intensive residential buildings is not only an ecological challenge, but also a social urgency. However, both in Germany and France, the renovation of buildings has stalled. Until it has been completed, local authorities must support households that are struggling to pay their energy bills. In the Transformation Kitchen of the Franco-German Forum for the Future, Eléonore Vinais and Gladys Grelaud report on local solutions to combat the threat of energy poverty.
In 2021, around 11 per cent of people on low incomes in France and Germany were already at risk of energy poverty. The sudden rise in gas and electricity prices as a result of the war of aggression against Ukraine has further exacerbated the situation. New projections show that the figure has risen dramatically since 2022. Regardless of whether they are owners or tenants, living in detached houses or apartment blocks, many of them live in poorly insulated accommodation with outdated heating systems. The high energy bills, which are becoming increasingly difficult for those affected to pay, threaten their livelihood and their health.
These households cannot wait for a comprehensive refurbishment of buildings, which the governments in Germany and France are aiming for by 2050 but are making slow progress. What immediate measures are available to local authorities to help those at risk of energy poverty?
Eléonore Vinais coordinates the French SLIME programme, which provides local authorities with a method for identifying and supporting people at risk of energy poverty. Gladys Grelaud is head of the Habitat Durable ("Sustainable Housing") department, and is responsible for the Lutte contre la précarité énérgetique department in the French city of Brest. On 31 January 2024 from 12:30 to 13:30, the two experts will be guests in the Transformation Kitchen.
Together, we will take a look at concrete measures that are being implemented at local level to support the households most affected by the energy crisis. The exchange will also provide an opportunity to reflect on how energy savings and the improvement of living conditions can be effectively combined.
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