Resources that Guide Ethical Arctic Research

The history of Arctic research is deeply intertwined with colonial practices. While there’s more focus today on collaboration and co-creation, these efforts can often still feel like “check-the-box” activities that don’t always address deeper ethical concerns. What tools, resources, and guidelines can help foster truly ethical research relations and lead to better research outputs?
Our team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers are excited to invite Arctic researchers from all disciplines and career stages to join a focus group on resources that guide ethical research practices. Over two hours, participants will reflect on their research experiences, discuss the resources (if any) that have guided their approach, and provide feedback on an ethical research tool our team is developing. This tool is designed to help researchers and Arctic communities establish good relations and create project-specific agreements that foster ethical collaboration.
The focus groups will be held in English. We will examine what’s working (and what’s not) in Arctic research and collaborate to develop a new tool to support researchers.
Date: March 5 from 15:00–17:00 CET or March 6 from 16:00–18:00 CET
Venue: Virtual
Organiser: RIFS (reIMAGINE Arctic Research Group), Saami Council, Ikaarvik.
Open to the public or by invitation: Anyone involved in Arctic research at any stage of their career can contact Evie Morin (evie [dot] morin [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de (evie[dot]morin[at]rifs-potsdam[dot]de)) to learn how to participate.