A Toolbox for the Recovery of the Planet
Scientific work is not always compatible with the agenda of decision-makers. The book "Breaking the Silos for Planetary Health – a Roadmap for a Resilient Post- pandemic World" aims to build bridges between the communities of health and environment, fundamental players to restructure our societies in the post-Covid era.

The book, written by the IASS's first Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellow Nicole de Paula, maps opportunities for decision-makers to break institutional and mental silos to transform planetary health from a global idea into a local reality. The author also brings the latest scientific data on the impact of environmental change on human health, calling for leaders to unite behind the need to consider the planetary emergency when thinking about public health and pandemic prevention.
“Human health can no longer be disconnected from the health of our planet. The beauty of planetary health is to offer a chance to overcome fragmentation in our communities. Every sector has a role to play when it comes to rebuilding our economies equitably and sustainably.”
Nicole de Paula
Given the pressing need to implement sustainable development policies, the book presents planetary health as an overarching framework for global policy targets, notably the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the post-2020 biodiversity framework under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
The book is published in time for the upcoming UN climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow, offering a narrative for practitioners and researchers interested in transforming the concept of planetary health into reality. With a collection of success stories, the analysis dwells on tools for community engagement, opportunities for health professionals training, gender empowerment, digital health, and ways to enhance human well-being on a changing planet.
To the book Breaking the Silos for Planetary Health - a Roadmap for a Resilient Post-pandemic World