What Do Your Neighbours Think About the Energy Transition?
The annual Potsdam Science Day will take place on 6 May from 1.00 p.m. through to 7.00 p.m. at the University of Potsdam’s Griebnitzsee Campus. The Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) will be attending with a booth focussed on the energy and transport transitions and the findings of a nationwide survey on these two crucial transformations.

Researcher Jean-Henri Huttarsch will inform visitors about the Ariadne project’s work on the Social Sustainability Barometer for the German Energiewende and Transport Transition. We all understand that the transitions to clean energy and climate-friendly mobility will change everyday life; the Social Sustainability Barometer examines the social dimensions of these transformations across Germany. Infographics will enable visitors to explore public opinion on the impacts of the two transitions. The data also offers a window onto the implications of individual policies and events such as the war in Ukraine.
Huttarsch will also present the findings of research that traces attitudes towards measures for the energy and transport transitions in local opinion maps. Visitors can use interactive tools to profile individual communities across Germany by clicking through various topics: How many people in your hometown are concerned about the impacts of climate change? Do your neighbours want solar panels on their roofs? Is anyone in favour of banning internal combustion cars? How do
people feel about the ban on installing oil heating systems? Is geothermal energy an issue?
The RIFS team will also be presenting the game CO2 - What has it got to do with me?. Designed for young people and adults, the game enables people to grasp how everyday decisions and habits, nutrition, mobility and travel affect individual CO2 emissions. Visitors can measure their personal carbon footprint and identify ways to reduce emissions by changing their behaviour.