Berlin Senate Adopts Most of the Recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate
On 20 December 2022, the Berlin Senate issued a statement on the recommendations prepared by the Berlin Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and announced that it would partially or fully incorporate 42 of the assembly’s 47 recommendations into its Energy and Climate Protection Programme (BEK 2030). RIFS (then IASS) advised the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and accompanied the participation process.

The recommendations for action adopted by the Senate include these goals:
- Fast-track renewables by easing bureaucratic hurdles
- Gradually replace oil and gas heating systems with climate-neutral heating alternatives
- Introduce a zero-emissions zone within Berlin’s inner rail ring
The recommendations not adopted by the Senate included the following:
- Introduce a road toll
- Convert vacant buildings into housing
In a next step, the BEK 2030 adopted by the Berlin Senate must be submitted to the Berlin House of Representatives so that it can be debated and voted on. The Senate's statement on the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly on Climate will be sent to all those who participated in the process and to the House of Representatives.