Dr. Charlotte Unger
Senior Research Associate
Charlotte Unger joined RIFS (then IASS) in 2017 and forms part of the group ˝Climate Action in National and International Processes (ClimAct), which facilitates participation in and understanding of climate policy forums, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), and the Deutsches Klima Konsortium. Her research focuses on global climate governance, climate policy processes in Germany, the EU and the USA, and the integration of climate and air quality policies. She builds on more than ten years of experience in climate politics, gained also during previous work for the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), the Environmental Action Germany (DUH) and the Technical University Berlin. Charlotte graduated in public and private environmental management and holds a PhD in political sciences from the Technical University Munich School of Governance. Her dissertation examined the linking of different emissions trading systems around the world.
Blog Posts
- Trump, German Government Chaos, and Why We Shouldn’t Lose Hope in Global Climate Politics
- A Limping Coalition of the Willing: Why is Transatlantic Cooperation on Clean Steel Lagging Behind?
- The Turn of the Year in Climate Policy: Insights and Outlook
- A G7 Climate Club to Booster Transatlantic Relations?
- Energy security, high expectations, and a climate club?
- Berlin Citizens’ Assembly on Climate - Can public participation deliver effective climate action?
- Methane: A new hope? There is plenty of potential, but ambition is lacking
- The time for courageous climate policy is now!
- Live from Madrid
- Climate Summit in New York: Plenty of Promises, but Little Action
- 20 years after the Kyoto Protocol: Are we ‘on track’ with the Paris Agreement and the COP23?
- 2017 - Senior Research Associate Climate Action in National and International Processes, RIFS
- 2020 PhD Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin/ Technische Universität München
- 2013 - 2017 Research Assistant International Carbon Action Partnership
- 2010 - 2014 Project Manager Climate and Energy, Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.
- 2010 - 2011 Research Associate Institute for Energy Technologies, Technische Universität Berlin
- 2009 - 2009 DAAD Scholarship The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi
- 2008 - 2009 Project Assistant Greencampus, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
- 2007 - 2010 Master in Public and Private Environmental Management, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2004 - 2007 Bachelor in Social Sciences, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- International and national climate policy and politics
- Inter- and transnational cooperation
- Market based climate policy instruments e.g. emissions trading
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
Linking the European Union Emissions Trading System. Political Drivers and Barriers (2021)Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN: 978- 0- 367- 42969- 0
Emissions Trading Systems - when do they link and when not? (2020) Dissertation.Universiätsbibliothek Technische Universität München. ISBN 978-3-00-067527-0
Benefits of Emissions Trading. Taking Stock of the Impacts of ETS Worldwide (2016); ICAP Policy Paper: https://icapcarbonaction.com/publications
Linking Emissions Trading Systems: A Summary of Current Research (2015); ICAP Policy Paper: https://icapcarbonaction.com/publications
Spreading Myths around Building Renovation. Information Failure Prevails in Germany (2014); International Energy Program Evaluation Conference 2014 (IEPEC http://www.iepec.org/conf-docs/papers/2014/Dora%20Griechisch.pdf
Schwachgasbehandlung und Deponiebelüftung - Möglichkeiten zur Integration in den Emissionshandel (2011); in: Wasser und Abfall, 13 (11)
An analysis of the relationship between the additionality of CDM projects and their contribution to sustainable development (2010); in: INEA (International Environmental Agreement), Vol.10, Nr.3
Health (co)-benefits: Experiences from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition 12-13-11-2018, Workshop on Human health, global environmental change and transformative action: The case for health co-benefits IASS Potsdam
Climate Clubs - an approach to the SLCPs challenge? The case of the CCAC 28-08-2018, International Seminar: Combatting Climate Change by Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Science, Law and Policy, Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland (CCEEL)
Editorial Board member of Nature's Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (https://www.nature.com/palcomms/)