Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Report on the Development of Diagnostic Tool. PermaGov Deliverable 3.2

This deliverable describes PERMAGOV’s process of co-developing a simple diagnostic tool for identifying institutional barriers in practice. The tool builds on the systematic literature review, reported in Deliverable 3.1 (See here for a summary of Deliverable 3.1)). To turn the literature review into a usable diagnostic tool we co-developed an approach with end-users, experts and stakeholders to simplify how institutional barriers are described and to make it easier to identify and analyse them in our case studies. Building on in previous research (Oberlack 2017) the systematic review identified 11 institutional attributes which may give rise to institutional barriers: actor eligibility; actor roles and responsibilities; actor control; actor accountability; actor connectivity; conflict mechanisms; development and use of knowledge; scale of institutions; rigidity of institutions; formality of institutions; and institutionalized incentives.

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Flannery, W., West, L., Nielsen, K. N., Knol-Kauffman, M., Passarello, C., Boteler, B., Coelho, N. F., Dyremose, S. C. S., Haapasaari, P., Hegland, T. J., McLaughlin, S., Toonen, H., Varjopuro, R., & van Leeuwen, J.(2024). Report on the Development of Diagnostic Tool. PermaGov Deliverable 3.2. Wageningen: Wageningen University.

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