Dr. Benno Fladvad
Benno Fladvad is a Geographer and since 2019 research associate at the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Futures of Sustainability" at the University of Hamburg. The research group deals with the question of how modern societies change and which conflicts arise when different visions about sustainable futures collide in the present. In particular, he deals with the tension between democracy and sustainability, with questions of environmental justice, as well as with the coloniality of climate and sustainability policies, e.g. in the context of the production of blue and green hydrogen. From 2018 to 2019 he worked as a project manager at WWF-Germany on the topic of sustainable animal feed / soy, and from 2011 to 2017 as a research assistant at the Institute of Geography of the University of Kiel. In this function he wrote his dissertation on food sovereignty in Bolivia, for which he conducted in 2013 and 2015 extensive ethnographic field work.
Blog Posts
- Since August 2022: Social Justice Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam.
- Since September 2019: Research associate at the Humanities Centre of Advanced Studied "Futures of Sustainability", University of Hamburg.
- October 2019 - February 2020: Lecturer at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography, University of Hannover.
- January 2018-Juli 2019: Projektmanager at WWF-Germany in the field of sustainable animal feed / soy, Hamburg.
- October 2017 - August 2018: Lecturer and associated scientist in the Cultural Geography Working Group, Department of Geography, University of Kiel.
- July 2017: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) in Geography with a specialization in Human Geography, University of Kiel.
- January 2015 - April 2015: Research stay in La Paz and Tarija, Bolivia.
- April 2013 - October 2013: Research stay in La Paz and Santa Cruz, Bolivia, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- October 2011 - September 2017: Research associate in the Cultural Geography Working Group, Department of Geography, University of Kiel.
- January 2010-September 2011: Intern and Trainee at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn and the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union, Berlin.
- February 2009-December 2009: Research assistant at the department of Human Geography, University of Göttingen.
- September 2009: Graduation in Geography (Diploma) with a specialization in Human Geography, University of Göttingen.
- July 2008 - October 2008: Research stay in La Paz, Bolivia.
- October 2007 - May 2008: Student assistant at the department of Landscape Ecology, University of Göttingen.
- October 2003 - September 2009: Studies of Geography, Political Science and Economics (Diploma), University of Göttingen.
- Political Geography
- Political Ecology
- Democratic Theory in the Anthropocene
- Environmental Justice/Geographies of Justice
- Energy Geographies
- Alternative Food Geographies/ Food Geographies
- Sustainability and Transformation Research
- Legal Geography
- Practice Theory
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Altstaedt, Sören, Fladvad, Benno & Hasenfratz, Martina (in press): Einleitung: Praxistheorien in Zeiten sozial-ökologischer Krisen. In: Altstaedt, Sören, Fladvad, Benno & Hasenfratz, Martina (eds.): Praxis und Ungewissheit: Zur Alltäglichkeit sozial-ökologischer Krisen. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt a. M., pp. 9-28.
- Fladvad, Benno; Busse, Tanja (2021): Ernährungssouveränität und die Rechte der Natur: Synergien und Widersprüche. In: Adloff, Frank; Busse, Tanja (eds.): Welche Rechte braucht die Natur? Wege aus dem Artensterben. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt a. M., pp. 193-205.
- Fladvad, Benno (2021): Von Technoutopien und Endzeitszenarien: Zur Bedeutung der Dialektik der Aufklärung für eine kritisch-emanzipatorische Humangeographie im Anthropozän. In: Geographische Zeitschrift, 109 (2-3), pp. 144-163.
- Fladvad, Benno (2021): Rethinking democracy in times of crises: Towards a pragmatist approach to the geographies of emerging publics. In: Social Science Information, 60 (2), pp. 230-252.
- Fladvad, Benno; Klepp, Silja & Dünckmann, Florian (2021): Reclaiming land, reclaiming the 'nomos': towards a geography of emerging rights. In: Bartel, Robyn & Carter, Jennifer (eds.): Handbook on Space, Place and Law. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham/Northampton, pp. 229-239.
- Fladvad, Benno; Klepp, Silja & Dünckmann, Florian (2020): Struggling against land loss: Environmental (in)justice and the geography of emerging rights. In: Geoforum, 117, pp. 80-89.
- Fladvad, Benno (2020): Zur Öffentlichkeit der Dinge: Denkansätze für eine Objekt-orientierte Demokratietheorie im Anthropozän. In: Adloff, Frank & Neckel, Sighard (eds.): Gesellschaftstheorie im Anthropozän. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt a. M., pp. 213-234.
- Fladvad, Benno & Hasenfratz, Martina (2020): Einleitung: Imaginationen von Nachhaltigkeit zwischen Katastrophe, Krise und Normalisierung. In: Adloff, Frank; Fladvad, Benno; Hasenfratz, Martina & Neckel, Sighard (eds.): Imaginationen von Nachhaltigkeit: Katastrophe. Krise. Normalisierung. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt a. M., pp. 13-28.
- Fladvad, Benno (2019): Diverse citizenship? Food sovereignty and the power of acting otherwise. In: Social Sciences 8 (12), Art. 331.
- Fladvad, Benno & Glöckler, Johannes (2019): Engaging in the 'multi-territorial site of the political': Political practices of Latin American landless movements in the struggle for food sovereignty. In: Die Erde, 150 (4), pp. 197-213.
- Fladvad, Benno (2018): Die Food Movements und ihre Forderungen: zur politischen Dimension alternativer Ernährungsgeographien. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 62 (3-4), pp. 201-216.
- Fladvad, Benno (2017): Topologien der Gerechtigkeit. Eine politisch-geographische Perspektive auf das Recht auf Ernährungssouveränität in Bolivien. Kieler Geographische Schriften. Band 130. Kiel.
- Dünckmann, Florian & Fladvad, Benno (2016): The practice of changing the rules of practice: An agonistic view on food sovereignty. In: Geographische Zeitschrift, 104 (1), pp. 25-49.
- 23 June 2022: "Contested imaginaries and just transitions: exploring the political geographies of hydrogen infrastructures". Workshop of the Working Group for Geographical Energy Research: "ENERGIE.MACHT.WIDERSTAND Kritische Perspektiven in der Geographischen Energieforschung", University of Klagenfurt.
- 21 June 2022: "Sociotechnical imaginaries and just transitions: Theorizing the political geographies of hydrogen infrastructures". 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, University of Manchester.
- 5 October 2021: "Auf der Erde bleiben: zu den affektiven Öffentlichenkeiten geo-sozialer Kämpfe". #GeoWoche 2021, University of Passau.
- 9 July 2021: "Reclaiming land, reclaiming the 'nomos': towards a geography of emerging rights". Institute of Australian Geographers & New Zealand Geographical Society Combined Conference, University of Sydney.
- 31 January 2020: "Public Things: zur Frage der politischen Wirkmacht von Technik im Anthropozän". Neue Kulturgeographie 17: "Technocultures & Technoscapes", University of Bonn.
- 30 September 2017: "Die Stadt als Markt, Versammlungsort und Bühne: Empirische Einblicke in den Kampf um Ernährungssouveränität in Bolivien". Congress of Critical Geographers, University of Tübingen.
- 04 October 2015: "Topologies of justice: Scaling food sovereignty in Latin America". German Congress for Geography. Humboldt University of Berlin.
- 4 July 2014: "Neue Bäuerlichkeit als politische Praxis". Second Workshop on Practice Theory, Site ontology und Human Geography, University of Bamberg.
- 21 June 2014: "Tierra y Justicia: Topologies of justice in rural areas of Latin America". 8th Annual Conference of the Latin America Working Group, University of Bayreuth.
- 8 April 2014: "Scales of justice in Bolivian peasant movements: food sovereignty, agroecology and repeasantization". Annual conference AAG, Tampa, Florida.