Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Dr. Bing Xue

Dr. Bing Xue

Affiliate Scholar

Bing Xue first came to RIFS (formerly IASS) in January 2013 as a Humboldt Fellow financed by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. After that fellowship, he stayed on at the institute as a research fellow and later joined the team of the Kopernikus ENavi project as a research associate in January 2017. In his research, he investigates the sustainable transformation process with a focus on the regional human-natural system (industrial ecosystem and energy system). Following his bachelor degree in geographic science, Dr Xue completed a PhD in human geography at Lanzhou University, China. Before joining RIFS he worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an associate professor in industrial ecology and sustainability.

Publications at the RIFS

  • Member of the Advisory Board - Deutsch-Chinesisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Umwelt- und Energie e.V. (DCZUE)
  • Committee Member - Committee of Industrial Ecology, the Ecological Society of China

  • PLOS ONE (Academic Editor)
  • Sustainability (Guest Editor for special Issue "International Perspectives on Sustainable Energy Transition")
  • Renewable Energy Resources (Chinese Journal, Member of the Editorial Board)
  • Journal of Liaoning University (Chinese Journal, Member of the Editorial Board)

Dr. Bing Xue

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