Daniel Oppold
Affiliate Scholar
Daniel Oppold studied Politics and Public Administration (M.A. at University of Konstanz) and Public Management and Governance (B.A. Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen). He is particularly interested in participation-centred theories of democracy and the exploration of dialogue-oriented forms of participation.
After his bachelor's studies, Daniel Oppold worked as the Personal Officer of the CEO of social service provider "Die Zieglerschen e.V." in Wilhelmsdorf (Baden-Württemberg), where he was also responsible for tasks in the Organizational Development and Planning Unit.
Daniel Oppold has many years of experience in the field of workshop facilitation.
He has been working at the RIFS since October 2016 in the research project "Co-Creation and Contemporary Policy Advice".
Blog Posts
- Organizing Local Citizens’ Councils: Handbook Shows How It’s Done
- Matching Facilitation Methods to Deliberative Purposes
- Debate, Participate, Change
- Berlin Citizens’ Assembly on Climate - Can public participation deliver effective climate action?
- Making a Difference Together: Citizen Councils in Berlin
- Since 10/2016: Research Assistant and Officer for Strategic Organizational Development at RIFS, Potsdam
- 10/2014-10/2016: M.A. in "Politics and Public Administration" at the University of Konstanz
- 03/2013-09/2014: Personal Officer of the Chairman of the Board at "Die Zieglerschen e.V." in Wilhelmsdorf (BW)
- 09/2009-03/2013: B.A. in "Public Management & Governance" at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
- Participation-centered theories of democracy
- Dialogue-oriented forms of participation
- Co-creation processes
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Oppold, Daniel (2016). Effekte deliberativer Demokratie am Beispiel der Bürgerräte in Vorarlberg. http://www.partizipation.at/fileadmin/media_data/Downloads/Forschungsplattform/Masterarbeit_Daniel_Oppold.pdf
- Oppold, Daniel (2012). Partizipative Demokratie in der Praxis: Die „BürgerInnenräte" in Vorarlberg. http://www.vorarlberg.at/pdf/oppolddanielbachelorarbei.pdf