Dr. Dorota Stasiak
Research Group Leader
Dorota Stasiak joined RIFS (then IASS) in September 2017 as a scientific project lead for the transdisciplinary project "Co-Creation and Contemporary Policy Advice". Together with her team, she tries to explore the transformative potential of co-creation through research, design and experimenting. Dorota holds degrees in Political Science (MA and PhD) and Applied Linguistics (MA) from the University of Warsaw. She completed research semesters at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as well as at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung as part of her DAAD scholarship. She is a certified project manager (PRINCE 2 Foundation & Practitioner, Scrum Master), as well as a trainer and facilitator (with a special focus on design thinking and innovation processes). Prior to joining RIFS, Dorota worked on several research projects (focusing mostly on advisory processes and institutions, policy-relevant expertise, and innovative policy-making approaches) and translated numerous social science books. She is committed to innovative education and (re)designing work-life-balance solutions.
Blog Posts
Research projects:
- Since September 2017 Scientific Project Lead at RIFS in the project "Co-Creation and Contemporary Policy Advice"
- Since 2016 Fellow in the project "Wissen ist Macht': Grenzen der Politikberatung und des Lobbyismus im politischen Entscheidungsprozess" (cooperation of Europa-Universität Viadrina, University of Warsaw, University of Poznań and the Hertie School of Governance)
- 2014-2016 Postdoc at the Hertie School of Governance in the project „Patterns of policy advice. Economic policy advice in Germany and in the USA in comparison" (in cooperation with the Universität Heidelberg); co-editor of the „Student Research Papers Series" *2012 Researcher in the project "Changing European modes of (Economic) governance: (How) Do European political Foundations and Think Tank Networks wield influence?" with the WZB Berlin *2011-2012 Co-lead in the project "Political representation through knowledge. Political expertise of think tanks under the crisis of representative democracy" with the Polish National Science Centre *2010-2014 Researcher in the project "Political representation in modern democracies: limitations and challenges", with the Polish Ministry of Science and the University of Warsaw
- 2009-2013 Scientific and organizational coordinator of the project "Political expertise in contemporary democracies. A comparative approach: Canada, Germany, Poland" with the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the Government of Canada and the University of Warsaw
- 2009 Researcher in the project "Between theory and practice. The role of German think tanks in the policy process" with the DAAD, the FU and WZB Berlin as doctoral student/scholarship holder
- The science/policy-making interface
- Advisory processes and institutions (with a special focus on think tanks)
- Innovative approaches to policy-making
- Linguistic aspects of politics
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Stasiak, D., & Gandziarowska-Ziołecka, J. (forthcoming). Gaming and simulation for policy advice. In S. Falk, M. Glaab, A. Römmele, H. Schober, & M. Thunert (Eds.), Handbuch Politikberatung 2. Springer.
- Stasiak, D., Savinova, E., Friedrich, G. & Römmele, A. (forthcoming). Mediatisation of expertise? How media affects communication patterns in external economic policy advice in Germany and the USA. Zeitschrift für Politikberatung.
- Friedrich, G., Thunert, M., Stasiak, D. & Römmele, A. (forthcoming). Muster der Politikberatung Wirtschaftspolitische Beratung in Deutschland und den USA im Vergleich. Studie der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
- Stasiak, D. (2017). Praktyki ewluacyjne a autonomizacja pola think tanków" [The practice of think tanks' evaluation and autonomy of their field. In W. Ziętara (Ed.), Think tanki i fundacje polityczne. Wybrane problemy [Think tanks and political foundations. Chosen problems] (pp. 6-20). Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS.
- Stasiak, D. (2014). Think Tanks in Poland: Policy Experts at the Crossroads. Polish Journal of Political Science. Working Papers, 2(1), 94-140.
- Brooks, S., Stasiak, D., & Żyro, T. (Eds.). (2013). Policy expertise in contemporary democracies. London: Ashgate.
- Czaputowicz, J., & Stasiak, D. (2013). Political Expertise in Poland in the Field of Foreign Policy and the Emergence of Think Tanks. In S. Brooks, D. Stasiak, & T. Żyro (Eds.), Policy expertise in contemporary democracies (pp. 165-182). London: Ashgate.
- Stasiak, D. (2013a). Doradztwo polityczne [Policy advice and consulting]. In M. Karwat & J. Ziółkowski (Eds.), Leksykon pojęć politycznych [Lexicon of political concepts] (p. 67). Warszawa: Elipsa.
- Stasiak, D. (2013b). Ekspertyza polityczna, ekspert [Policy expertise, expert]. In M. Karwat & J. Ziółkowski (Eds.), Leksykon pojęć politycznych [Lexicon of political concepts] (p. 87). Warszawa: Elipsa.
- Stasiak, D. (2013c). Przewrót reprezentacyjny a polityczna rola ekspertów" [The representative turn and political role of experts]. In T. Żyro (Ed.), Reprezentacja polityczna [Political representation] (pp. 117-143). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych UW.
- Stasiak, D. (2012). Pomiędzy, czyli gdzie. Polskie think tanki w poszukiwaniu recepty na siebie." [Inbetween? Polish think tanks in search for their own identities]. In T. Bąkowski & J. H. Szlachetko (Eds.), Zagadnienie think tanków w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym [The issue of think tanks in an interdisciplinary perspective] (pp. 107-133). Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański.
- Stasiak, D. (2009). Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Legitimation of Political Expertise and Its Paradoxes. Contemporary European Studies. (Special Issue), 44-51.
- Stasiak, D. (2008a). Gender-Equality in English, German and Polish Job Advertisements. In U. Okulska & G. Kowalski (Eds.), Discourse Variation Across Communities, Cultures and Times (pp. 183-210). Institute of Applied Linguistics. University of Warsaw.
- Stasiak, D. (2008b). Karl Popper, czyli przypisy do Platona raz jeszcze. Dialogi Polityczne. (9), 45-57.
- Member of the "transdisciplinary advisory board of the field for experimentation", Museum of Natural History, Berlin