Dr. Edward Chan
Research Associate
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Dr. E.C. Chan received his doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 2010, with focus in experimental and numerical combustion science. Since then, he has been working closely with major German and International OEMs and consultancies in the automotive sector for powertrain development projects. He is currently a Research Associate with the research group "Air Quality Modelling for Policy Advice" at RIFS. In particular, his work relates to developing high-resolution numerical simulation models for pollutant formation and dispersion at the street level.
- 2017- Research Associate, IASS / RIFS
- 2015-2016 Manager Presales & Support, FS Engineering
- 2011-2015 Application Engineer, Ricardo Deutschland
- 2006-2007 Visiting Scientist, Università degli Studi di Roma »Tor Vergata«
- 2004-2010 Research Assistant (Doctoral) in Mechanical Engineering, The University of British Columbia
- 2001-2003 Research Engineer, Microelectronics Heat Transfer Laboratory
- 1998-2001 Research Assistant (Master) in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Waterloo
- Numerical and experimental methods for turbulent reactive flows
- Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) and design optimization
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- L. Bartolucci, S. Cordiner, V. Mulone, V. Rocco, E.C. Chan (2016) "Natural Gas Partially Stratified Charge Combustion: Extended Analysis of Experimental Validation and Study of Turbulence Impact on Flame Propagation." SAE 2016-04-05.
- L. Bartolucci, S. Cordiner, V. Mulone, V. Rocco, E.C. Chan (2015) "Partially Stratified Charge Natural Gas Combustion: A LES Numerical Analysis." SAE-2015-01-0398.
- E.C. Chan, G. de Simone, V. Mulone (2010) "Numerical and Experimental Characterization of a Natural Gas Engine with Partially Stratified Spark Ignition." ASME J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power. 133(2).
- E.C. Chan, R.L. Evans, S. Cordiner (2007) "Pre-Ignition Characterization of Partially-Stratified Natural Gas Injection." SAE 2007-01-1913.
- G. Karimi, E.C. Chan, J.R. Culham (2005) "Thermal Modeling of Driver / Seat Interfaces in Automotive Applications." SAE Int. J. Mat. Manuf..
- E.C. Chan, Lien F.-S. (2005) "Permeability effects of turbulent flow through a porous insert in a backward-facing-step channel." Transport Porous Med. 59:47-71.
- E.C. Chan, G. Karimi, D. Rose, J.R. Culham (2004) "Experimental Study and Thermal Modeling on an Automobile Driver Seat in Severe Winter Conditions." SAE 2004-01-1507.
- 2016 "Design-Optimierung von Strömungssensoren mittels genetischem Algorithmus" Endress+Hauser, Basel CH.
- 2015 "Numerical modelling for spark ignition and early combustion" GE Global Research, Garching bei München.
- 2014 "Stabilisierung bei Verbrennungsprozessen in Ottomotoren" Siemens PLM Software (CD-adapco), Nürnberg.
- 2013 "CHT-Analyse in Verbrennungsmotoren mithilfe CFD-FEA-Kopplung" Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg.
- 2013 "CFD-Berechnung von Breitband-Strömungsgeräusch durch Abgasendrohre" Audi AG, Ingolstadt.
- 2013 "CFD Modelling of Large Engines." Doosan Engines, Suji, S. Korea.
- 2012 "Fortgeschrittene CHT-Technologie für die Kühlung von Kfz-Motoren" 14. MTZ-Fachtagung Virtual Power Train Design, Esslingen.
- 2010 "The Partially Stratified Charge Ignition Method" Institut für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen, TU-Braunschweig, Braunschweig.
- 2010 "Fueling the Future" School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Surrey BC, Canada.