Prof. Dr. Grischa Beier
Research Group Leader
Grischa Beier studied mechanical engineering at Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany), with semesters abroad in Russia (ITMO, St. Petersburg) and Brazil (UFSC, Florianopolis). In 2006 he joined Fraunhofer IPK as a research assistant, where he worked on a number of research and industry projects in the area of Virtual Product Creation. He obtained his PhD in engineering from TU Berlin in January 2014, with a distinction for his work on the usage of traceability data in systems engineering. Grischa Beier joined RIFS in September 2014 where he acts as the leader of the research group on "Digitalization and Sustainability Transformations". He explores the social and ecological effects of future digitalised and networked industrial production. In July 2023, he was appointed professor for Sustainability in Digitalisation at the University of Potsdam.
Blog Posts
- Digitalization & Sustainability
- Sustainability impacts of future industry trends
- Information Visualization
- Traceability
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Stark, R.; Beier, G.; Figge, A.; Wöhler, T. (2010): Cross-Domain Dependency Modelling - How to achieve consistent System Models with Tool Support. In: Proceedings of the European Systems Engineering Conference 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Beier, G.; Figge, A.; Lehner, T.; Metin, A. (2011): Durchgängige Nachverfolgbarkeit in der Systementwicklung. In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 06/2011 (106), S. 462-465.
- Beier, G.; Rothenburg, U.; Woll, R.; Stark, R. (2012): Durchgängige Entwicklung mit erlebbaren Prototypen - Modellbasiertes Systems Engineering. In: Digital Engineering, 3/2012, S. 14-17.
- Königs, S. F.; Beier, G.; Figge, A.; Stark, R. (2012): Traceability in Systems Engineering - Review of industrial practices, state-of-the-art technologies and new research solutions. In: Advanced Engineering Informatics, 4/2012 (26), S. 924-940.
- Beier, G.; Figge, A.; Müller, R.; Rothenburg, U.; Stark, R. (2013): Supporting Product Development through Cross-Discipline Dependency-Modeling. Novel Approaches for Traceability-Usage. In: Lecture Notes on Information Theory 1 (1), S. 21-28.
- Beier, G. (2014): Verwendung von Traceability-Modellen zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung technischer Systeme. Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät für Verkehrs- und Maschinensysteme, Fraunhofer-Verlag.
- Beier, G. (2014): Supporting Systems Engineering by Traceability. In: Proceedings of the ProSTEP iViP Symposium 2014, Berlin, Germany.
- Brandenburg, E.; Figge, A.; Zander, S.; Beier, G. (2014): Recommendations for Tracelink Decisions - An Empirical Investigation of Visualization Methods. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Krakow, Poland.
- 2010 Best Paper Award EuSEC
- 2014 ProSTEP iViP Scientific Award