Immo Janssen
Research Associate
Immo Janssen is a mobility planner and research associate in the research group Co-Creation in Democratic Practice at the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Center Potsdam, where he is involved in the projects Sprachkompass and KlimaKieze.
For the past three years, he also has been coordinator of the Anlauf- und Koordinationsstelle für öffentliche Räume (AKöR), where he accompanied the transformation of the Samariterkiez and Lausitzer Platz, among others. As intermediary structure, AKöR supports cooperative initiatives from administration, science and civil society for the reuse and redesign of public (street) space for the common good. With AKöR, he developed and facilitated exchange formats such as the Scientific Advisory Forum for the municipal mobility transition and the StadtWERKSTATT Xhain pilot program.
He supports the TuneOurBlock project - Transforming Neighbourhoods on a Human Scale as a practice partner and advises Changing Cities e.V. Here he is also responsible for the local coordination of the Klima.Kiez.Gesund project. During his previous career, he worked at the Department of Sustainable Urban Planning at TU Berlin and in the CHORA Conscious City Lab, at the interface of digitalization and participation.
- since 09/2020 - present Anlauf- & Koordinationsstelle öffentliche Räume (AKöR), Coordinator*
- since 07/2022 - present Changing Cities e.V., Local Project Coordination Klima.Kiez.Gesund*
- since 03/2023 - present Gemeinwohlorientierte Stadtentwicklung e.V., honorary board member
- 07/2023 - 10/2023 Project eUVM at the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS), Student. Assistant
- 09/2019 - 08/2021 Department of Sustainable Urban Planning (TU Berlin), Associate Lecturer*
- 03/2018 - 08/2019 Department of Sustainable Urban Planning (TU Berlin), Student. Assistant
*(contracted as an independent freelancer)
- Mobility and Urban Planning; Public Space & Commons; Applied Environmental Justice
- Participation, Cooperation and Co-Production; Governance Approaches for the Common Good
- Action-Oriented Research; Co-Creation Methods; Transdisciplinary Research & Exchange
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
Jarass, Julia; von Schneidemesser, Dirk; Janssen, Immo et al. (2021): Offene Strassen: pandemieresiliente öffentliche Stadträume. Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung im Öffentlichen Raum bei beengten Wohnverhältnissen und bei Unterversorgung mit Grünflächen angesichts der COVID-19-Pandemie, Berlin: Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin - Abteilung Bauen, Planen und Facility Management https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_6001057
- "Sustainability in City Re/Making" (Seminar, B.Sc) - TU Berlin x NCUT Beijing
- "Sustainable Project Design" (Applied Project, M.Sc) - TU Berlin x NCUT Beijing
- "Stirring the City - Conscious City Games" (Teaching Research Project, M.Sc) - TU Berlin