Dr. Jörn Quedenau
Senior Research Associate
Jörn Quedenau is a specialist in scientific computing and databases in the projects "Urban Air Quality, Mobility, and Health" and "Air Quality Modelling for Policy Advice" at RIFS. As a PhD biochemist, he has been involved in various aspects of the management of scientific data for more than 20 years. His tasks at the RIFS include the support of specialists in the pre- and post-processing of scientific data from climate and weather models, in particular the processing of geo-referenced raw data up to presentation- and publication-ready graphics. In addition, Jörn Quedenau is responsible for recording and prioritizing the IT requirements of individual projects and working groups, selection, procurement, installation and maintenance of special software. Another focus of his work is the administration and further development of a special part of the in-house IT infrastructure with relational databases, project-specific web servers, mass storage (SAN) and a high performance computing cluster (HPC).
Before joining the RIFS in 2012, Jörn Quedenau worked as a bioinformatics specialist and database specialist in various companies and institutions in the fields of pharmacy, genetic engineering, plant biotechnology and health policy.
- since 2012: Scientific Computing Specialist & Data Manager, RIFS Potsdam
- 2008-2012: Research Consultant Data Management, Institut des Bewertungsausschusses (InBA), Berlin, Germany
- 2000-2008: Data Manager Bioinformatics, metanomics GmbH, Berlin
- 1999-2000: Scientific Assistant, "Primary Database", German Resource Center for Genome Research, Berlin
- 1997-1999: Postdoc Chemoinformatics, Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany
- 1997: PhD in Biochemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 1993-1997: Research Assistant, Protein Structure Theory, University Hospital Charité, Berlin
- 1993: Diploma in Biochemistry / Molecular Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Data Management
- Geodata
- Visualization
- Data Mining
- Database Development
- High-Performance Computing
- Statistics (Multivariate Methods)
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Cluster Algorithms
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- HOLZHÜTTER, H.-G.; QUEDENAU, J.: Mathematical Modelling of cellular responses to external signals. In: J. Biol. Systems 3 (1995), S. 127-138.
- HOLZHÜTTER, H.-G.; SCHWENDEL, A.; GRUNE, T.; QUEDENAU, J.; SIEMS, W.: Estimation of steady-state flux rates in metabolic systems by computer simulations of radioactive tracer experiments. In: Comp. Appl. Biosci. 9 (1993), S. 573-580.
- QUEDENAU, J.; HOLZHÜTTER, H. G.: A New Approach to Knowledge-Based Potentials of Mean-Force in Polypeptides and Proteins. In: What Is Controlling Life?, Bd. 3, Hrsg. E. Gnaiger u.a. Innsbruck: Innsbruck Univ. Press 1994. S. 203-204.
- QUEDENAU, J.: Verknüpfung externer Datenquellen mit dem Klon-Bestellservice des RZPD in Berlin. In: DHGP XPRESS 7 (1999)