Dr. Pia Mamut
Senior Research Associate
Pia Mamut has a background in political science (Universities of Münster, Germany, and Twente, The Netherlands) and sustainability science (Lund University, Sweden). Her doctoral work at the University of Münster explored the concept of sufficiency as a normative source for socio-ecological transformation. She examined how sufficiency is understood and applied within environmental and social science discourses, as well as in the local discourses of German "energy and climate model regions". Her areas of research expertise include sustainable consumption, post-growth, transformative change at universities, and the intersections between democracy, civic participation and sustainability. Presently, Pia works as a senior researcher in the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project, titled "Policies and Tools for Mainstreaming 1.5° Lifestyles". The project is a collaborative effort involving 10 partners from 7 countries, aimed at facilitating structural change towards 1.5° lifestyles societies.
- 2024-heute: Senior Researcher, EU 1.5° Lifestyles (Horizon 2020), RIFS, Potsdam, Germany.
- 2021-2024: Project Coordinator, Postdoctoral Researcher, EU 1.5° Lifestyles, Chair for International Relations and Sustainable Development, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
- 2021: Research Associate, BIOCIVIS - Participation to ensure sustainability benefits and social participation of and in the bio-economy, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
- 2016-2020: Research Assitant and Doctorate, Chair for International Relations and Sustainable Development, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
- 2013-2016: Research Associate, Project Leader, Towards 100% RES (Renewable Energy Sources) Communities, Intelligent Energy Europe, Institute of decentralised Energy Technologies gGmbH (IdE), and deENet Competence Network Distributed Energy Technologies (deENet) e.V., Kassel, Germany.
- Environmental Governance, Sustainable Consumption & Sufficiency
- Socio-Ecological Transformation, Structural Barriers & Enablers
- Power, Discourse, Governmentality
- Limits to Growth and Post-Growth
- Democracy & Participation
- Universities in Sustainability Transformation
- Energy Transition & Energy Policy
- Southeast Asia (esp. Indonesia)
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
Published Name: Pia Mamut (before Pia Buschmann)
- Mamut, P. (2023). Sufficiency - An Emerging Discourse. At the Crossroads between Mainstreaming and Transformation. [Sustainable Development in the 21st Century]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Hirth, S., Kreinin, H., Fuchs, D., Blossey, N., Mamut, P., Philipp, J., Radovan, I. (2023): Barriers and Enablers of 1.5° Lifestyles: Shallow and Deep Structural Factors Shaping the Potential for Sustainable Consumption. Frontiers in Sustainability (4). DOI: 10.3389/frsus.2023.1014662
- Fuchs, D., Lorek, S., Mamut, P., Roßmöller, A. (2023). Fifty Shades of Sufficiency: Semantic confusion and no policy. In: Jörgens, H.; Knill, C.; Steinebach, Y. (Eds.): Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy, pp. 347-357. DOI: 10.4324/9781003043843-29
- Gumbert, T., Mamut, P., Fuchs, D., Welck, T. (2022). Sustainable consumption and the power of economic growth: exploring alternatives to the growth-dependency narrative. Consumption & Society, Bristol University Press. DOI: 10.1332/jppd7512
- Buschmann*, P. & Oels, A. (2019). The overlooked role of discourse in breaking carbon lock-in:The case of the German energy transition. WIREs Climate Change. 2019; e574. DOI: 10.1002/wcc.574
- Buschmann*, P., Moser, P., Nadaï, A. & Régnier, Y. (2018). A-disciplinary considerations of two networks of local climate energy initiatives, Local Environment, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2018.1520822
- 06/12/2023. Impulse lecture: "Power and Powerlessness - How Sustainable Lifestyles Can Fail and Succeed Within Existing Structures", Kulturforum, Steinfurt, Germany.
- 29/04/2021. Keynote: "Building(s) from a Sustainability Perspective", European Environmental Bureau (EEB), webinar.
- Winter Semester 2020-2021. Co-teacher: "Conceptual foundations of consumption research, political theory and ethics, political measures", University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
- PhD Scholarship Thinking Lab "Energy - Society - Change", German Economy Foundation (sdw), 2016- 2020.
* 2021-today: Member of the Advisory Council for Climate Protection of the City of Münster, Münster, Germany.
* 2019-today: Member of Project Advisory Board “Global Nachhaltige Kommune” (Engagement Global), Münster, Germany.