Pradeep Singh
Affiliate Scholar
Pradeep Singh is an expert on ocean governance, the law of the sea, environmental law, climate policy and public international law. His academic qualifications include an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, an LL.M. in Global Environmental and Climate Change Law from the University of Edinburgh and an LL.B. from the University of Malaya where he graduated with first class honours and received the gold medal. Pradeep is often consulted and has published widely on topics related to deep seabed mining, marine biodiversity conservation and governance, sustainable development and the blue economy, and ocean equity and justice. The scholarship affiliation with RIFS aims to facilitate knowledge sharing as well as collaborative research on international governance processes, e.g., with regard to deep-seabed mining (DSM), the mechanisms of negotiations and role of organisations and observers.
Blog Posts
- Law of the sea
- Deep seabed mining
- Marine biodiversity conservation
- Ocean governance
- Sustainable development and the blue economy
- Ocean equity and justice
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Singh, P., "What Are the Next Steps for the International Seabed Authority after the Invocation of the 'Two-year Rule'?", 2021, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
- Singh, P., "The two-year deadline to complete the International Seabed Authority's Mining Code: Key outstanding matters that still need to be resolved", 2021, Marine Policy 134.
- Hein, J., Madureira, P., Bebianno M.J., Colaco, A., Pinheiro, L.M., Roth, R., Singh, P., Strati, A., and Tuhumwire, J., 2021, "Chapter 18 - Changes in Seabed Mining". In: United Nations, The Second World Ocean Assessment.
- Singh, P., 'Deep Seabed Mining and Sustainable Development Goal 14;. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Life Below Water. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Springer 2021)
- Panellist, 'The Mediated Ocean: Marine Data and Policy Workshop', KTH Stockholm (10 May 2022)
- Panellist, 'Collaborative Actions to Address Cross-cutting Challenges in the context of Global Ocean Governance', STRONG High Seas Workshop on Towards Integrated Ocean Management of the High Seas: Lessons Learnt for Regional and Global Action (31 March 2022)
- Panellist; 'Deep Seabed Mining: Perspectives from a Developing Nation: Enhancing participation of developing nations in regulating deep seabed mining', Institut Geologi Malaysia (9 March 2022)
- Panellist, 'Renewable Natural Resources Foundation 2021 Conference on Deep Seabed Mineral Mining', RNRF (17 December 2021).
- Speaker, 'The International Seabed Authority Mandate, institutional arrangements and environmental responsibilities', presentation at the Workshop on Protecting Deep Seabed Ecosystems under the Future Agreement on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of BBNJ and by the ISA, Utrecht University (13 December 2021).
- Speaker, 'Deep-sea mining in ABNJ and links to the BBNJ negotiations', presentation at the STRONG High Seas Workshop on Regional Cooperation Efforts for the High Seas of the Southeast Atlantic (17 November 2021).
- Speaker, 'Deep-Sea Mining and the ISA: Recent Developments, key outstanding issues and contrasting narratives', Guest Lecture, MARIPOLDATA Ocean Seminar Series (29 September 2021)
- 2015: Harvard Law School Summer Academy Fellowship (Harvard Law School)
- 2014: Harvard Law School Grant Award (Harvard Law School)
- 2013: Chevening Schoarlship (UK Government/University of Edinburgh)
- 2009: Puan Sri Haseenah Abdoolcader Gold Medal (University of Malaya)
- 2009: Chief Justice Prize (University of Malaya)
- 2009: University Book Prize (University of Malaya)