Prof. Dr. Rainer Quitzow
Research Group Leader
Rainer Quitzow joined the RIFS in December 2014. His research focuses on sustainable innovation and industrial policy and geopolitics of transitions in energy and industry. In particular, he analyses geoeconomic competition in emerging climate-friendly industries and the role of foreign and industrial policy strategies in this context. Rainer Quitzow is also Professor of Sustainability and Innovation (Honorarprofessor) at the Technische Universität Berlin.
Before his career as a researcher, Rainer Quitzow worked in the field of international development with a focus on governance and environmental and trade policy. At the World Bank in Washington, D.C., he conducted governance and policy impact analyses for development programmes in Latin America and Africa.
Blog Posts
- The Energy Transition Needs More Social Science Research
- How States Around the World Are Crafting Markets for Green Hydrogen
- How Decarbonization Will Transform the Geography of Industrial Production: New Evidence on the “Renewables Pull” Hypothesis
- The Political Economy of Green Hydrogen in Europe: Reinforcing Regional Inequalities?
- Clean Hydrogen Hubs: A Crucial Instrument in the US Hydrogen Strategy
- Discussing future hydrogen geographies in Europe: a conversation that is overdue
- Hydrogen in Canada: War in Ukraine kindles new interest
- The promise of African clean hydrogen exports: potentials and pitfalls
- Vulnerable supply chains in times of Covid-19 and climate change: A call for a new research agenda
- Climate targets are unachievable without a financial deal for developing countries
- Germany’s New Building Energy Act is a Missed Opportunity
- What We Can Learn from the Corona Pandemic for Climate and Energy Policy
- Financing of coal power by G20 states is undermining the Paris climate agreement
- Renewable Energy in Africa: China is Indispensable
- Reforming the International Monetary System to Save the Climate
- Solar Energy in Germany and China: Dynamics of a Policy-Driven Market
- 2013-2014: Research Fellow at the Chair of Innovation Economics, Technische Universität Berlin
- 2012-2015: PhD in Political Science, Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2009-2013: Research Fellow at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Freie Universität Berlin
- 2005-2008: Junior Professional/Consultant at the Sustainable Development Division, World Bank (Washington, D.C.)
- 2003-2004: M.A. in Development Studies, International Institute of Social Studies (Den Haag), Erasmus University Rotterdam
- 2002-2003: Campaign Officer at Oxfam Deutschland (Berlin)
- 1998-2001: B.A. in Metropolitan Studies, New York University
- Governance of the energy transition (in Germany and the G20)
- Global markets for renewable energy technologies and the role of major emerging economies
- Sustainable innovation and industrial policy
- Policy strategies for promoting a green economy
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Meeusen, M.; Peuckert, J.; Quitzow, R. (2015): Acceptance factors for bio-based products and related information systems, Deliverable 9.2 of the EU-funded research project "Open-Bio", grant agreement n° KBBE/FP7EN/613677.
- Quitzow, R. (2015): A dynamic perspective on environmental innovation and national competitiveness: An assessment of policy and empirical evidence from the solar energy sector. Doctoral thesis, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Quitzow, R. (2015) Dynamics of a Policy-Driven Market: The Co-Evolution of Technological Innovation Systems for Solar Photovoltaics in China and Germany. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, in press.
- Quitzow, R. (2015) Assessing policy strategies for the promotion of environmental technologies: A review of India's National Solar Mission. In: Research Policy, Volume 44(1), pp. 233-243.
- Jacob, K.; Quitzow, R.; Bär, H. (2014): [Green Jobs: Beschäftigungswirkungen einer Green Economy.](http://www2.gtz.de/wbf/4tDx9kw63gma/2014_GIZ_Green Jobs.pdf) Bonn/Eschborn: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) / Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
- Meeusen, M.; Peuckert, J.; Quitzow, R. (2014): Acceptance factors for bio-based products and related information systems, Deliverable 9.1 of the EU-funded research project "Open-Bio", grant agreement n° KBBE/FP7EN/613677.
- Quitzow, R.; Walz, R.; Köhler, J.; Rennings, K. (2014): The concept of "lead markets" revisited: Contribution to environmental innovation theory in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 10, March 2014, pp. 4-19.
- Quitzow, R. (2013): Towards an integrated approach to promoting environmental innovation and national competitiveness in: Innovation and Development, Volume 3(2), pp. 277-296.
- Quitzow, R.; Libo, W.; Jacob, K. (2013): Green jobs in Asia : achievements, strategies and potentials. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Asia and the Pacific.
- Jacob, K.; Kauppert, P.; Quitzow, R. (2013): Green growth strategies in Asia: drivers and political entry points. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Asia and the Pacific.
- Quitzow, R.; Bär, H.; Jacob, K. (2013): Environmental Governance in India, China, Vietnam and Indonesia - A tale of two paces in: FFU-Report 01-2013, Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik, FU Berlin, 32 pages.
- Ferretti, J.; Guske, A.L.; Jacob, K.; Quitzow, R. (2012): Trade and the environment. Framework and methods for impact assessment in: FFU-Report 05-2012, Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik, Freie Universität Berlin, 120 pages.
- Quitzow, Rainer (2012): Green Innovation in China: Grassroots Phenomenon or State-led Development Model? in: Global Chamber Ticker, Oktober/November 2012.
- Knopf, J.; Quitzow, R.; Hoffmann, E.; Rotter, M. (eds) (2011): Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien in Politik und Wirtschaft: Treiber für Innovation und Kooperation? München: Oekom.
- Quitzow, R. (2010): Governance for Sustainable Development as "strategic public management." Paper presented at the Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Freie Universität Berlin, October 8&9, 2010.
- UNDP/Oxford Policy Management (2010): Evaluating the Results of Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) on National Policy Making. Oxford Policy Management / UNDP.
- Overseas Development Institute (2009): Aid for Trade: Removing Constraints to Trade, Enabling Inclusive Growth and Supporting Poverty Reduction. Lessons for Policy and Programming from Five Case Studies. London: Overseas Development Institute.
- World Bank (2009): Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Groundwater Over-exploitation in Mexico. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Bank (2008): Local governance and national crisis in Côte d'Ivoire. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Bank (2006): Understanding Socio-economic and Political Factors to Impact Policy Change. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Expert testimony on the European Sustainable Development Strategy in a joint hearing of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development and the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union on 27 October 2010.