Sébastien Vannier
Sébastien Vannier is Fellow at the RIFS from January to May 2024. His Fellowship is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the discourse platform #FactoryWissKomm.
He is Head of Communications at the Centre Marc Bloch, Franco-German Research Institute for Social Sciences in Berlin. He writes regularly for the French newspaper Ouest-France and was Head of the Berlin redaction from the European online magazine cafebabel.com. He completed internships at the German Parliament, for the TV channel ARTE and for the Franco-German Youth Office. He graduated from Sciences Po Rennes and the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt with a MA in Political Sciences.
Vannier published several books, "Les Allemands" (2015) ; "Berlin, Laboratoire d'innovations" (2016) and co-edited the publications "Berlin, aujourd'hui" (2017) and "La politique climatique allemande - comment rattraper le temps perdu ?" (2022).
- January-May 2024 : Fellow at RIFS (#FactoryWissKomm-Fellowship)
- Since 2013 : Head of Communications at the Centre Marc Bloch, Franco-German Research Centre for Social Sciences
- Since 2009 : Journalist for the french newspaper Ouest-France
- 2009 : Project coordinator (Entdeckungstag) at the Franco-German Youth Office
- 2007-2009 : Internships at the German Parliament, TV chanel ARTE
- 2007 : MA in Politics from the Institut for Politics Rennes and the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- Science Communication
- Climate policy
- Franco-German relations
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Berlin - Laboratoire d'innovations, Collection Mappe, Ateliers Henry Dougier (2016)
- Les Allemands, Collection Lignes de vie d'un peuple, Ateliers Henry Dougier (2015)
- La politique climatique allemande. Comment rattraper le temps perdu? mit Judith Nora Hardt und Ulrike Zeigermann, revue Allemagne d'aujourd'hui (2022/1, N°239), éditions du Septentrion
- Berlin aujourd'hui, mit Boris Grésillon, revue Allemagne d'aujourd'hui (2017/3, N°221), éditions du Septentrion
- L'Union de l'énergie, ce n'est pas de la science-fiction. Interview mit Sven Rösner, Geschäftsführer des Deutsch-französischen Büro für die Energiewende, in Allemagne d'aujourd'hui (2023/2, n°244)
- Ein Klimapräsident? Macrons Klima- und Energiepolitik (2017-2022), in Online-Dossier "Wahlen in Frankreich 2022", Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2022.
- Keine Diskussion der Klimafrage, in Online-Dossier "Wahlen in Frankreich 2022", Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2022.
- Von der Bühne auf den Bildschirm - Comedy in Frankreich, in Länderbericht Frankreich, Hg. Corine Defrance und Ulrich Pfeil, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Schriftenreihe Band 10661, S. 468, 2021
"Introduction to Science Communication", University of Potsdam, 25.01.2024, as part of the lecture series "Atmospheric Science in the Anthropocene"
(with Erika von Schneidemesser and Kathleen Mar)