Dr. Stefan Schäfer
Research Group Leader
Stefan Schäfer is a research group leader at the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam and a fellow at Harvard University and the University of Oxford. His research draws on approaches from science and technology studies to examine the political, ethical, and epistemological dimensions of new planetary sciences and technologies. He teaches at Humboldt University Berlin, where he is affiliated with the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems.
After studying political science, philosophy, and history at the University of Tübingen and Cornell University, Stefan received his PhD in international relations from Freie Universität Berlin. He was a guest researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) from 2009-2012, a fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation in 2014-2015, an Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford's Institute for Science, Innovation and Society in 2017, a Visiting Fellow in Harvard University's Program on Science, Technology and Society in 2018, and a Guest Professor in the University of Vienna's Department of Science and Technology Studies in 2020. His work has been published widely in highly ranked peer reviewed journals as well as in numerous edited volumes and as working papers, commentaries, and assessment reports. Stefan is a contributing author to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report and was appointed Special Adviser to the European Commissioner for Transport in 2018-19. In addition to his work with the research group at RIFS, he is a founding member of research-based art collective LiCo, with which he co-produces films, essays, and installations that examine past and future choreographies of mental and environmental life.
Blog Posts
At RIFS since 2012:
- Since 2017 Research Group Leader
- 2015-2016 Research Program Leader
- 2013-2015 Academic Officer
- 2012-2013 Project Scientist
- 2020 Guest Professor, University of Vienna
- Since 2018 Fellow, Program on Science, Technology and Society, Harvard University
- Since 2017 Fellow, Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford
- 2009-2012 Guest Researcher, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)
- Science, Technology and Society
- Political Theory
- Global Politics
- Geoengineering
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Zürn, M. and S. Schäfer (2013). The Paradox of Climate Engineering. Global Policy 4, 3, pp. 266-277.
- Zürn, M. and S. Schäfer (2011). Climate Engineering: Internationale Beziehungen und politische Regulierung. Study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.
- Rickels, W., G. Klepper, J. Dovern, G. Betz, N. Brachatzek, S. Cacean, K. Güssow, J. Heintzenberg, S. Hiller, C. Hoose, T. Leisner, A. Oschlies, U. Platt, A. Proelß, O. Renn, S. Schäfer, M. Zürn (2011). Large-Scale Intentional Interventions into the Climate System? Assessing the Climate Engineering Debate. Scoping report conducted on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Kiel Earth Institute, Kiel.
- Schäfer, S (2009). Die Zukunft des UNESCO-Welterbesystems: Reformansätze für das 21. Jahrhundert. Vereinte Nationen 6/2009, pp. 243-248.
- Ending History: Empiricism, Earth System Science, and Empire. Science and Democracy Network, Cambridge, MA, 23 June 2021.
- Climate Geoengineering, Earth System Science, and the Co-production of Natural and Social Order. Center for Science and Technology Studies, European University of St. Petersburg, 25 May 2021.
- Klima-Geoengineering als Antwort auf die Klimakrise? Vorlesungsreihe #LecturesForFuture - Klimawandel in den (Weit)Blick nehmen, Universität Trier, 14 April 2021.
- Climate Geoengineering in Interdisciplinary Perspective. European Space Agency, Noordwijk, 22 January 2021.
- The Missing Mineral. Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, lecture performance as part of the program From Burn-Out to 7UP: On Lithium and Mental Health, 14 January 2021, together with David Habets und Cameron Hu.
- Model, Molecule and Market: Global Public Reason in the Climate Regime. Munich Center for Technology and Society, 12 December 2019.