M. Sc. Stéphanie-Fabienne Lacombe
Research Associate
Stéphanie-Fabienne Lacombe is a research associate with a focus on field work and action research at the Franco-German Forum for the Future at RIFS. Stéphanie holds a MSc in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation from Lund University (Sweden) and a MSc in Socio-spatial planning from Groningen university (The Netherlands).
The Franco-German Forum for the Future aims to foster learning from local and regional initiatives addressing societal transformations in Germany and France. It engages with selected initiatives over several years, provides a dialogue platform for actors of these initiatives, experts and policymakers; and facilitates co-design processes for policy recommendations handed over to the Franco-German ministerial council and parliamentary group.
The "Franco-German Forum for the Future" (das "Deutsch-Französische Zukunftswerk") was created by article 22 of the Treaty of Aachen, signed by the French President Macron and the German Chancellor Merkel in 2019.