Sybille Neumeyer
Sybille Neumeyer (*1982; based in Berlin) is an interdependent artist and researcher with a background in art history, linguistics, ethnology and visual communication. Through her artworks and participatory workshops she investigates environmental issues and relationships between humans and non-humans. Her research draws from various fields such as biology, history of science, anthropology, medicine, geology and science fiction - often in collaboration and exchange with scientists - and opens post-disciplinary perspectives for her work. Through polyphonic cartographies, installations, walks, performative lectures and video essays she is examining the intersections of biodiversity loss, climate crisis, biopolitics and multispecies health. Sybille Neumeyer's work is supported by institutions and artist-residencies such as Akademie Schloss Solitude, ARCUS-Project (JP), POGON (HR), HIAP (FI), NIDA Art Colony (LT), THAV (TW), DESY (DE), Jan van Eyck Academy (NL), amongst others, and shown on international exhibitions. Recent projects are "souvenirs entomologiques" for "Critical Zones - Observatories for Earthly Politics"; ZKM Karlsruhe (2020) and "voicing encounters - a narrative cartography of virus" as part of "Contagious Cities: KOEXISTENZ" at and around the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (2019).
Currently Sybille Neumeyer is a guest researcher at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, where she examines ecologies of care and control, symbiotic assemblages, and stor(i)ed matters. Further she is an artist fellow at the IASS - Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam where she focuses on embodied memories, more-than-human health and transformative microbial associations.
- more-than-human health
- postdisciplinarity
- ecology
- biodiversity
- climate crisis
- microbial associations
- polyphonic (hi)storytelling
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Flavio D'Abramo & Sybille Neumeyer. "A historical and political epistemology of microbes" in "Histories of epidemics in the time of COVID-19"; Centaurus 62 (2) (2020)
- Sybille Neumeyer. "voicing encounters - polyphonic (hi)storytelling" textbook; artist publication (publication forthcoming)
- Sybille Neumeyer & Hung Fei Wu. "A Dialogue" in "Mute Dialogues" exhibition catalogue; POLYMER Art Space (2017)
- Sybille Neumeyer. "Human-Nature: A Re-Relationship" in "Future Now"; Aesthetica Magazine Ltd; (2015)
- 2021/01 "Voicing Encounters - A Narrative Cartography of Virus. On Polyphonic (Hi)storytelling and Eco-logical Co-/I-mmunity" | Get real. The Climate Crisis as Cultural Epoch Change | Studium Generale | UDK Berlin; Berlin/DE
- 2020/10 "A Call for the Future? Zero Waste in Everyday Life, Politics, and the Cultural Industry" / Walk the Talk #4 Sybille Neumeyer, Kadija de Paula & Chico Togni; MdbK Leipzig/DE
- 2020/04 „A historical and political epistemology of microbes" | Sybille Neumeyer & Flavio D'Abramo | Bard College; Berlin/DE
- 2020/02 „porous bodies - ecologies of care and control in natural history collections" | Sybille Neumeyer | "Logistical Natures" conference | walking lecture | Museum für Naturkunde; Berlin/DE
- 2020/01 „Whole Earths Cataloguing" | Sybille Neumeyer & Tahani Nadim | lecture | "Biodiversity and the Cultural Landscape" symposium | University Vienna; Vienna/AU
- 2019/11 „experimental plantings" | Sybille Neumeyer & Tahani Nadim | lecture & workshop | "experimental humanities"| iCi - Institute for Cultural Inquiries; Berlin/DE
- 2019/08 „scales and scopes of a virus" | Sybille Neumeyer & guests | lecture & panel discussion | "Contagious Cities" | Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin/DE
- 2019/07 „the space between the stones - stratigraphic storytelling" | "odd kin°labs" | Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin/DE
- 2017/02 „mediated natures - art & ecologies" | artist talk | Vilnius Academy of Arts, Klaipeda/LT
- 2014 Winner | International Aesthetica Art Prize