Dr. Thomas Bruhn
Research Group Leader
Dr Thomas Bruhn is a physicist who is leading the transdisciplinary research group "transformative spaces and mindsets" at RIFS Potsdam. His research focuses on the question how the cultivation of mental qualities like mindfulness and compassion plays a role in sustainability-related transformation. He is also a trained facilitator in various group formats and expert on collective learning and co-creativity, e.g., in the context of the UNFCCC climate conferences. In order to deepen these competencies he has been joining training programs on psycho-dynamic consulting and systemic leadership since 2019. Upon request he is offering his expertise as support for groups of decision-makers for dealing with complex challenges in an appreciative communication culture. Occasionally, he is also leading trainings or coaching processes for individuals or groups that want to further develop their capacities and self-efficacy as change agents for sustainability. Before joining RIFS, Thomas did research on semiconductor nanomaterials in Berlin, Rome, and Marseille. He is a member of the board of directors to the German Association to the Club of Rome and a member of the German Association of Scientists (VDW).
Blog Posts
- On Warriors and Heroes - Group Dynamics at the UN Climate Conferences
- Safe Spaces in Unsafe Environments – Facilitating Dialogue and Reflection at the UN Climate Conference
- COP28 in Dubai: Greenwashing or Genuine Ambitions?
- Organizational Transformation in the European Commission
- Fear and trust in UN climate policy at UNFCCC COP27
- Confronting fears - Strengthening trust
- Mindfulness as a Pathway to Greater Climate-Sensitivity
- On the culture of untapped potential
- Mental Dispositions and Sustainability: An Interview with Gerald Hüther
- The Dependence of Sustainability on the Degree of Fear and Aspiration: Q&A with David Mitchell
- Since 2016: Co-Lead of the AMA project, RIFS Potsdam *since 2013: Guest lecturer at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences (Hamburg/Berlin) on "Sustainable Marketing and Leadership"
- 2012-2016: Senior Research Associate and Project Scientist at the IASS Potsdam
- 2012 Guest Scientist at the "Interdisciplinary Centre of Nanoscience" (CiNaM), Marseille, France
- 2011-2012: Postdoc, Technical University of Berlin
- 2011-2012: Guest Scientist at the Universitá Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
- 2011: PhD in Physics, Technical University of Berlin
- 2007-2011: Scientific Co-Worker at the Leibniz-Institute for Analytical Sciences (ISAS), Berlin
- Transdisciplinarity
- Mindfulness and sustainability
- Co-creation
- Dialogue between spirituality and science
- Climate engineering
- CO2 utilisation
- Human-nature relationship in the Anthropocene
- Mindsets and sustainable lifestyles
- Stakeholder engagement
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Bruhn, T., Fimland, B.O., Esser, N., Vogt, P., (2015): Electrophilic surface sites as precondition for the chemisorption of pyrrole on GaAs(001) surfaces Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 101903; DOI: 10.1063/1.4906117
- Vogt, P., Capoid, P., Berthe, M., Resta, A., De Padova, P., Bruhn, T., Le Lay, G., Grandidier, B. (2014): Synthesis and electrical conductivity of multilayer silicene Applied Physics Letters 104, 021602
- Bruhn, T., Fimland, B.O., Esser, N., Vogt, P., (2014): STM analysis of defects at the GaAs(001)-c(4x4) surface Surface Science 617, 162
- De Padova, P., Vogt, P., Avila, J., Resta, A., Rasado-Colambo, I., Ottaviani, C., Olivieri, B., Bruhn, T., Vogt, P., Asensio, M.C., Le Lay, G. (2013): The quasiparticle band dispersion in epitaxial multilayer silicene Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 382202
- Resta, A., Leoni, T., Barth, C., Ranguis, A., Becker, C., Bruhn, T., Vogt, P., Le Lay, G. (2013): Atomic structures of Silicene Layers on Ag(111): Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Observations Scientific Reports 3, 2399
- De Padova, P., Vogt, P., Resta, A., Avila, J., Razado-Colambo, I., Quaresima, C., Ottaviani, C., Olivieri, B., Bruhn, T., Hirahara, T., Shirai, T., Hasegawa, S., Asensio, M. C., Le Lay, G. (2013): Evidence of Dirac fermions in multilayer silicene Applied Physics Letters 102, 163106
- Bruhn, T., Fimland, B.O., Esser, N., Vogt, P. (2012): Pyrrole adsorption on GaAs(001)-c(4x4): The role of surface defects Physical Review B. 85, 075322
- Riele, L., Bruhn, T., Rackwitz, V., Passmann, R., Fimland, B.O., Esser, N., Vogt, P. (2011): Reconstruction dependent epitaxial growth of lead-phthalocyanine on GaAs(001) surfaces Physical Review B 84, 205317
- Bruhn, T., Ewald, M., Fimland, B.O., Kneissl, M., Esser, N., Vogt, P. (2011): In-situ optical spectroscopy and electronic properties of pyrrole submonolayers on Ga-rich GaAs(001) Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13, 5847 (2011)
- Bruhn, T., Fimland, B.O., Kneissl, M., Esser, N., Vogt, P. (2011): Adsorbate-induced modification of the surface electronic structure at GaAs(001) surfaces Physical Review B 83(8), 045307
- 2017 Nachhaltigkeit im Anthropozän, Tag der Logistik, Fritz Gruppe, Heilbronn.
- 2017 A Mindset for the Anthropocene, Salon des Intergralen Forums Europa, Berlin.
- 2017 A Mindset for the Anthropocene Annual Conference of the ThinkTank30, Höchst.
- 2017 Beginnt Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Wandel in uns selbst? Wissenschaftsetage Potsdam.
- 2017 Climate Engineering - Neue Optionen im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel?, Umweltforum Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt/Main.
- 2017 Klimaretter gesucht - Climate Engineering zwischen Hoffnung und Hybris, CRUX Köln.
- 2016 Das große Ganze und wir mittendrin, Club of Rome Schulkonferenz, Hamburg.
- 2016 Globale Herausforderungen gemeinsam bestehen, Internationales Haus Sonnenberg, Sankt Andreasberg.
- 2016 Mastering global challenges together, Global Youth Summit, Leitershofen.
- 2016 Co-Evolutionary Perspectives on the Technosphere, Anthropocene Campus, HKW Berlin.
- 2015 Das Anthropocene and the new relevance of complexity, Guest Lecture, University of Potsdam.
- 2015 CO2 Abscheidung im größeren Kontext - ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Kontroversen, Econsence Tec-Arena, Berlin. *2015 Climate Engineering - Eine Option im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, Deutsches Museum München. *2015 Climate Engineering - A blueprint for the relation between humans and nature in the Anthropocene?, University of Kent, UK.
- 2015 A transdisciplinary approach to Climate Engineering - Experiences from engaging with Christian groups; Center for Process Studies, Claremont, California, USA.
- 2014 Climate Engineering - Zündende Idee oder Spiel mit dem Feuer?, Workshop Wissenschaftsethik, Siemens Stiftung, Potsdam.
- 2013 Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung einer Welt in Balance, Jahrestagung der Global Marshall Plan Initiative, Augsburg.
- 2013 2052 - Eine Zukunftsperspektive des Club of Rome.
- 2015 Sparda-Bank Hamburg Award
- 2008 Best Poster Award AOFA 15