M. A. Thomas Spinrath
Research Associate
Thomas Spinrath is a political scientist and transformation researcher; he works as a research associate at the Franco-German Forum for the Future. He accompanies cities on the path of social-ecological transformation in co-creative research processes. Thomas Spinrath holds an M.A. in Transformation Studies (European University of Flensburg) and a B.A. in Politics and Society (University of Bonn). He is an alumnus of the European program DialoguePerspectives, Discussing Religions and Worldviews.
The Franco-German Future Work develops visions and policy recommendations in close collaboration with local and regional initiatives in France and Germany that are committed to social, economic, environmental or technological structural change in their region. These policy recommendations are presented to the French and German governments and to the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly. The Franco-German Future Work was created by the Aachen Treaty signed in January 2019 to "work on the transformation processes of our societies."