Dr. Tobias Haas
Research Associate
Tobias Haas studied economics and political science at the FU Berlin and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). In his doctorate at the Eberhard-Karls-University in Tuebingen he dealt with the controversies about the energy transition in Germany, Spain and in the European context. Since November 2017 he has been working (part-time) at the Research Centre for Environmental Policy at the FU Berlin (FFU) in a project on transport system transformation. In the summer of 2018, he was a fellow at the Kolleg Postwachstumsgesellschaften at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena and has developed ideas on the extent to which post-growth debates can inspire the transport transformation (Verkehrswende). From 2018 to May 2022, he worked as a research associate at the IASS in the project "Social Transformation and Policy Advice in Lusatia" and since April 2022 in the project CO2 Removal Synthesis and Transfer Project (CDRSynTra) within the research group "Planetary Geopolitics and Geoengineering".
Blog Posts
- Since 04/2022 Research Associate at the IASS - CDRSynTra
- 10/2018-05/2022 Research Associate at the IASS - Structural Change Lausitz
- Summer semester 2018 Fellow FSU Jena - Kolleg Post Growth Societies
- 11/2017-04-2021 Research Associate FU Berlin - Political Economy of the Mobility Transition
- 01/2012-02/2017 Research Associate Uni Tübingen - Department of Political Economy and Didactics of Economics
- Social-ecological transformations
- Climate Politics
- Energy and Mobility
- Negative Emissions
- International Political Economy
- Science and Technology Studies
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Haas, Tobias (2020): Cracks in the gearbox of car hegemony: struggles over the German Verkehrswende between stability and change. In: Mobilities 15(6), 810-827.
- Haas, Tobias (2019): Struggles in European Union energy politics: A gramscian perspective on power in energy transitions. In: Energy Research & Social Science 6 (48), 66-74.
- Haas, Tobias (2019): Comparing energy transitions in Germany and Spain using a political economy perspective. In: Environmental Innovations and Societal Transitions 31, 200-210.
- The history and perspectives of climate policy - from failure to success? Lecture series by Fridays for Future at FU Berlin, 30.10.2019