Climate Guide

The main objective of this project is to raise the profile of climate research in Brandenburg by providing scientific institutions with an overview of potential project and cooperation partners as well as offering stakeholders in public administration, the political sphere, and society with an overview of ongoing research in Brandenburg and the relevant contact persons for specific issues.
The Climate Guide draws on Brandenburg's Climate Plan, the state government's climate policy strategy, which was adopted on 5 March 2024. The plan consolidates those aspects of existing strategies relevant to climate protection across eight fields of action, updates commitments and bundles the most important state policy measures for climate protection. It provides a roadmap for achieving climate policy targets. The Climate Plan was developed on the basis of expert opinions and with the involvement of the general public, experts and stakeholders such as Brandenburg's municipalities and the younger generation as part of an accompanying participatory process.
The measures stipulated in the Climate Plan will be implemented by local government bodies at the municipal and state levels. The Climate Guide project aims to meet the need for further guidance by producing a brochure of the same name and a website.
The project is structured around the following key questions:
- What research institutions are there in the field of climate protection in Brandenburg?
- What are the research priorities of these research institutions?
- What specific/potential contribution do they make to climate protection in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region?
- Which sectoral targets of the Climate Plan can the respective institutions contribute to?
- Where are important links to the state strategies and important projects of the state government in the field of climate?