How Does the Media Cover CCU? Media analysis and the development of communications formats for the BMBF research funding measure CO2-WIN

As part of the scientific support programme for the BMBF's funding measure "CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial application (CO2-WIN)", a team of RIFS researchers within the project CO2-WIN Connect is studying the representation of CO2 utilization technologies in the media and developing different communication products and formats to foster public debate. The team aims to analyse media representations of CCU and to integrate as many new target groups as possible in the debate around CO2 utilisation.
CCU - A topic for the media?
Reporting on new technologies in the media not only increases their visibility, it also influences both public perceptions and, as a result, how technologies are assessed by the public and policymakers. Media reports often have a decisive impact on social discourse around new technologies and can determine whether they meet with social acceptance or rejection. The future development and implementation of sustainable technologies also depend on the public's assessment. In the CO2-WIN Connect project, the research group "CO2 Utilisation Strategies and Society" studies the media's reception of these technologies: Who reports on CO2 utilisation technologies? And on which ones? What aspects are mentioned frequently, and what aspects are ignored in reporting? Who is invited to speak in which media settings about these technologies and to place them in a larger context? What criticisms do journalists highlight or ignore? Are there any clearly recognizable trends? Throughout the project's three-year observation phase research results will be published in dossiers at regular intervals.
Initiating dialogue, engaging in debate
CO2 utilisation technologies remain more of a niche topic and play, at best, only a minor role in social discourse. The CO2-WIN Connect project aims to push forward the public debate and intensify communications around CO2 utilisation. In order to initiate new dialogues and engage with ongoing discussions, the project will develop a variety of communication formats in cooperation with partners and deploy these products across a range of media and communication channels. Other research undertaken within the scope of CO2-WIN Connect will include a technology assessment, a cross-project analysis of potentials, and the first steps towards standardization. This research will be performed primarily by the project partners Dechema, University of Kassel and DIN German Institute for Standardization.