Scoping Study: Monitoring the Global Hydrogen Economy

In a project financed by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the IASS will develop a concept for a systematic monitoring process for the global hydrogen economy. Insights gathered through such a monitoring exercise are intended to underpin strategic innovation and market support within the framework of the international hydrogen policy of Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
Global developments in the hydrogen sector
The German Government plans to establish hydrogen as a cornerstone for the development of a climate-neutral economy and, in the process, to heighten its role in industrial policy in Germany and Europe. A strategy of this kind must be based on in-depth knowledge of technological, market and policy developments in the hydrogen sector worldwide so that future policies and technologies in Germany integrate with those abroad. Additional analysis of data relating to innovations and industry could be used to identify the areas in which German and European companies might have a competitive edge. These insights could provide the basis for the regular review of industrial policy objectives in the context of international cooperation.
Insights to underpin reliable monitoring
The data and analyses required could be acquired through a systematic monitoring of the global hydrogen economy. A suitable monitoring process would aim to capture and bundle reliable data from strategically relevant fields of the global hydrogen economy and facilitate the analysis and discussion of data in cooperation with experts and stakeholders from across the national hydrogen economy. As an initial step towards establishing this monitoring process, the IASS is conducting a scoping study in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). This work will include the development of a complete concept for a monitoring process as well as its essential contents.