Socio-ecological Transformation in Brandenburg

How guidelines, funding programmes, and strategies for socio-ecological transformations are implemented - and the resistance they encounter - can be best understood at the local and regional levels. This research aims to identify the conditions for success and obstacles to socio-ecological transformations in Brandenburg across eight projects, their common features, and the implications for efforts to support transformations and related communications activities. The projects examined in this research are closely linked to sustainability policy priorities in Brandenburg, including the bioeconomy, digitalisation, and moorland conservation. Researchers work closely with relevant stakeholders to present different perspectives from politics, public administration, the business community, cultural institutions, civil society, and citizens.
Podcast: "Negotiating Change. Sustainability in Brandenburg"
The project communicates its work to the wider public in podcasts professionally producing by Akustikwerk. Each episode features content recorded on location in Brandenburg to encourage listener identification. The podcast appeals to a broad audience by presenting different views of transformations unfolding in Brandenburg and considering developments from a scientific perspective.
Taking a facts-forward approach, the podcast presents diverse positions, interests and views on different transformation fields, providing robust information to counter conspiracy thinking and long-standing and emerging myths. Research findings on socio-ecological transformations in Brandenburg and communication efforts will also be presented in the podcast. Negotiating Change will be available across all leading platforms and episodes will be released on the following dates (all podcasts will be in German only):
- (1) Car-free inner cities (15.10.2024)
- (2) Transformation of work (15.10.2024)
- (3) Sharing the Financial Benefits of the Energy Transition: the Wind Energy Levy (29/10/2024)
- (4) Climate-just Theatre (12.11.2024)
- (5) The Heat Transition (26/11/2024)
- (6) Energy Transition and Democracy - What is needed on the ground? Recording of the panel discussion at the occasion of the podcast launch (1/12/2025)
- (7) Moorlands - climate regulators or a source of emissions? (07/01/2025)
- (8) Digitalization - Between Progress and Sustainability (18/02/2025)
- (9) Community Farming (25/02/2025)