Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Summary report on Workshop 1 on governance for ocean-based negative emissions technologies

Research undertaken in Task 2.2 identified a range of governance challenges to ocean-based NETs related to the global ocean governance framework, e.g., linked to the transboundary nature of the ocean, potential effects of ocean-based NETs on the ocean’s condition and marine ecosystem services, as well as the many unknowns and uncertainties linked to NET-deployment. The fragmented approaches and frameworks in place to govern the global ocean further complicate comprehensive governance of these emerging technologies. This deliverable presents results from a workshop that explored how ocean-based NETs should be governed to best confront these challenges and integrate international climate targets as well as global goals for ocean and biodiversity conservation, in addition to global ambitions towards sustainable development. The workshop is part of research undertaken by Task 2.2 to assess how ocean-based NETs are addressed by the current global ocean governance framework and develop governance scenarios and recommendations to policy makers for a “good governance” of NETs in the ocean.

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Röschel, L., & Neumann, B.(2022). Summary report on Workshop 1 on governance for ocean-based negative emissions technologies. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).


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