Lina Röschel
Research Associate
Lina Röschel joined the Ocean Governance Research Group at RIFS as a research associate in 2021. Her research interests include the governance of "blue carbon" ecosystems as marine nature-based solutions for climate mitigation (see BMU-funded project "Blue Carbon: Coastal and Marine Ecosystems for Climate Mitigation"). In her current project "Ocean-NETs", Lina conducts research on the governance of ocean-based negative emission technologies (NETs), the deployment of which can potentially enhance the natural carbon store of the oceans. In applying a co-creative approach, Lina explores the challenges and synergies for good governance of ocean-based NETs within the regional and global ocean governance framework.
Prior to joining RIFS, Lina Röschel was a researcher at Ecologic Institute in Berlin, Germany, where she worked on projects related to European nature policy. As a student, she worked at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research and the NewClimate Institute, Berlin, and interned with the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development, Policy Analysis Branch. She holds an MSc in Physical Geography of Human-Environment-Systems from Humboldt University, with a study abroad at New York University.
- since 2021 - Research Associate, OceanNETs Project at RIFS, Potsdam (DE)
- 2016 - 2020 - Researcher, Ecologic Institute, Berlin (DE)
- 2016 - Internship at United Nations, Sustainable Development Division, New York City (US)
- 2016 - Internship at the NewClimate Institute, Berlin (DE)
- 2014-2016 - MSc Physical Geography of Human-Environment-Systems at Humboldt University Berlin (DE)
- 2014-2016 - Student Assistant at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Müncheberg (DE)
- 2013 - Semester abroad at New York University (USA)
- 2011-2014 - BSc Physical Geography and Economics at Humboldt University Berlin (DE)
- regional and global ocean governance
- marine policy
- ecosystem services and biodiversity protection
- nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based management
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- McDonald, H, Hoffmann, H, Ressurreição, A, Röschel, L, Gerdes, H, Lago, M, Boteler, B, McFarland, K, Teixeira, H. 2020. Ecosystem-Based Management for More Effective and Equitable Marine Protected Areas. A Case Study on the Faial-Pico Channel Marine Protected Area, Azores. In T. G. O'Higgins, M. Lago, & T. H. DeWitt (Eds.), Ecosystem-Based Management, Ecosystem Services and Aquatic Biodiversity (pp. 499-515). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Röschel, L, Noebel, R, Stein, U, Naumann, S, Romao, C, Gaudillat, Z, Staneva, A, Rutherford, C. 2020. Methodologies under the Nature Directives reporting 2013-2018 and analysis for the State of Nature 2020. European Environment Agency (EEA), Luxembourg.
- Naumann, S, Noebel, R, Gaudillat, Z, Stein, U, Röschel, L, Ittner, S, Davis, M, Staneva, A, Rutherford, C, Romão, C. 2020 (forthcoming). State of nature in the EU; Results from reporting under the Nature Directives 2013-2018. European Environment Agency (EEA), Luxembourg.
- Röschel, L, Naumann, S, Davis, M. 2020. Results from ENABLE co-design workshops: Policy context, challenges and policy options in the ENABLE cities. Report as part of the BiodivERSa project ENABLE, 2020.
- Davis M, Röschel, L, Naumann S, McFarland K, Graf A 2020. Literature Review: The ecological effectiveness of the Natura 2000 Network. ETC/BD report to the EEA.
- Röschel L, Hoffmann H, Lago M, Rouillard J, Marhubi A, Mattheiß V, Reilly K. 2018. Bottom-up policy review of AQUACROSS case studies. Report as part of the Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS.
- Piet, G, Rumes, B, Culhane, F, Robinson, L, Lago, M, Röschel, L. 2018. Trade-offs in ecosystem-based fisheries management in the North Sea aimed at achieving Biodiversity Strategy targets. Report as part of the Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS, 2018.
- Naumann, S, Davis, M, Röschel, L, Barton, DN, Langemeyer, J. 2018. Methodological review and framework: Cultural ecosystem services provided by green and blue infrastructure. Report as part of the BiodivERSa project ENABLE, 2018.
- McDonald H, Boteler B, Gerdes H, Hoffmann H, McFarland K, Röschel L. 2018. Ecosystem-based solutions to solve sectoral conflicts on the path to sustainable development in the Azores. Report as part of the Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS, 2018.
- Mattheiß V, Strosser P, Krautkraemer A, Charbonnier Cl, McDonald H, Röschel L, Hoffmann H, Lago M, Delacámara G, Gómez CM, Piet G, Schuwirth N, Kuemmerlen M and Reichert P. 2018. Evaluation of ecosystem-based management responses in case studies. Report as part of the Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS, 2019.
- Rouillard J, Lago M, Abhold K, Röschel L, Kafyeke T, Klimmek H, Mattheiss V. 2016. Synergies and Differences between Biodiversity, Nature, Water and Marine Environment EU Policies. Report as part of the Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS, 2016.